Market Forces:
Contemporaneous Action in Technology

Computer code, digital projection, dimensions variable

Market Forces: Contemporaneous Action in Technology translates real-time data from NASDAQ into a multisensory experience of financial markets. Embedded within colour, shape, sound, and movement are the trading actions of millions of people, across national, global, and thematic sectors.

The state of financial markets produces and is produced by the narrative of the world at large. While the global economy responds to social, cultural and geopolitical affairs, humans likewise respond to the economy with buy and sell actions. With sufficient concerted market action, even viewers can influence the outcome of this audiovisual experience.

During trading hours and extended trading hours, the projected animations depict the demand for NASDAQ technology stocks in USA and China respectively. By juxtaposing these stocks without prescribing an interpretation of their performance, the artwork facilitates intuitive study of the dynamic interplay between the performance of technology companies marked to market as well as the landscapes in which they operate. During non-trading hours, the animations interpret the futures market of NASDAQ 100.